Open a private account today

Open a corporate account today

Opening account is simple and should take no more than a few minutes of your time.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are based in the EU, please follow this link to open a new account.

Registration is free and carries no obligation to trade, but it does allow you to call for a live rate of exchange.

Worldwide Currencies operates a fast track service for registration of UK businesses utilising electronic checks in place of certified ID for the company, directors, shareholders and partners.

As part of the process, we have to carry out an identity check in order to comply with UK anti money laundering regulations (this is NOT a credit check). In some cases, to aid identification, we may ask for further documentation i.e. a UK passport or driving licence number. You may want have this to hand to speed up the registration process.

As part of the process, we have to carry out an identity check of each company representative in order to comply with UK anti money laundering regulations (this is NOT a credit check). In some cases, to aid identification, we may ask for further documentation i.e. a UK passport or driving licence number. You may want have this to hand to speed up the registration process.

In order to assist with any registration problems, we track and save your progress on the web form. In the event of a problem submitting your registration, we may contact you. We do not share your details with any 3rd parties.

For companies that are not UK registered we will require further documentation. Once the online form is complete and submitted you will be contacted by our compliance team and informed of what else is needed.

You can also register by post by printing out the application form available here. here.

Opening a Corporate Account? Click here

Add an Individual to your account

The form below allows you to add another individual to your Worldwide Currencies account.
By adding another individual they will have equal authority through all dealings with Worldwide Currencies.

Add FXPortal to your existing WWC account

The form below allows you to add FXPortal to your existing Worldwide Currencies account.
By adding another individual they will have equal authority through all dealings with Worldwide Currencies.

About your Company
Trading Address
About you
Residential Address
UK Driving Licence
UK Passport
Additional Information
About the messages you receive from us
Terms and Conditions
  1. I am [a] principal[s] acting on my/our own account and not for the account of any undisclosed third party and the details on this form are correct.
  2. Any changes to the details given above will be notified to Worldwide Currencies immediately in writing.
  3. I have read and understood Worldwide Currencies Terms & Conditions.